spinal decompression back pain

How Spinal Decompression Can Relieve Back Pain

Breaking Free from Back Pain

Back pain remains one of the most pervasive health issues affecting adults all over the United States. It hampers productivity, affects quality of life and often leads to a significant amount of distress and even other health issues. And yet, despite its prevalence, those struggling with this challenging ailment still scrounge to find solutions. While there are numerous treatments available, spinal decompression therapy has emerged as one of the most promising solutions for people looking for relief from back pain.

What is Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression is noninvasive motorized traction used to treat back pain by increasing the space between the vertebrae in your spine. This non-surgical treatment works by gently stretching the spine and changing the force and position of the spine. In turn, pressure is relieved from your spinal disks, which are gel-like cushions between the bones in your spine.

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This vacuum-like effect helps pull the herniated or bulging disc material back into the disc, promoting the flow of nutrients, oxygen and fluids that aid healing. There is also relief from the pressure being removed from the nerves and other structures in the spine. Over time, the treatment can lead to decreased inflammation, improved mobility and pain relief.

What is the Treatment Like?

A typical spinal decompression session lasts approximately 30 to 45 minutes. During this time, patients lie on a motorized table, the lower half of which can move. A harness is placed around the hips and is attached to the lower table near the feet.

The upper part of the table remains fixed while the lower part slides back and forth to provide the traction and relaxation phases. Patients typically undergo a series of sessions over several weeks to get the best results. The exact number of sessions can vary based on the severity of the symptoms and the specific diagnosis.

Who is Spinal Decompression Best For?

Spinal decompression therapy is particularly beneficial for patients suffering from chronic lower back pain; sciatica; herniated or bulging discs; degenerative disc disease; posterior facet syndrome and general persistent back and neck pain.

This treatment might not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain conditions like fractures, tumors, advanced osteoporosis or those who have had multiple surgeries without improvement may not be ideal candidates for this spinal decompression.

Is Spinal Decompression Painful?

After your spinal decompression therapy, you might feel a bit sore or stiff. That said, the treatment shouldn’t be painful or uncomfortable.

Risks Involved

You may feel a bit sore or stiff after your spinal decompression therapy. That being said, you should not experience any pain during the treatment. After your surgery, if you’re feeling any intense, sharp pains or especially tender areas, you should contact your chiropractor or doctor.

As with any medical treatment, there are risks involved. However, experts say that the chance of risk associated with spinal decompression is incredibly low, as these treatments are relatively routine and usually minimally invasive.

How to Avoid Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit the doctor. There are a variety of factors that come into play regarding why people have back pain. While it is a pervasive issue, there are ways to avoid back pain and lifestyle changes that can lower your chances of injuring your back, such as:

Strengthen Your Core Muscles

Your lower back is under the stress of supporting your entire upper body. Taking a few minutes every day to do a few simple core exercises can make a huge difference in lowering the pressure on your back and minimizing the chances of being in pain.

Stretch Daily

Tight muscles are one of the leading causes of back pain. If your back muscles are tight, they put added stress on your entire spine. Get into a habit of stretching daily to strengthen your spinal muscles and relieve pressure from your back.

Avoid Sitting with Poor Posture

If your sitting posture is poor, the discs in your lower spine will have excess pressure on them, increasing the chance of having pain in your back. Pay attention to your posture while you’re sitting.

Lift Correctly

When you lift something heavy, it's very easy to twist the wrong way which can lead to muscle pain and discomfort. If you’re going to lift something heavy, make sure you use proper body mechanics by engaging your leg muscles and not your back when you pick up heavier items.

Quit Smoking

Believe it or not, smoking can have a large impact on your entire body’s well-being, including your back and spine. Smoking restricts blood flow to the discs that cushion your vertebrae, which can make your disks deteriorate. In addition, smoking reduces calcium absorption and new bone growth which makes fractures, sprains, osteoporosis and even breaks more likely.

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