Someone trying to fall asleep.

9 Tips for Sleeping Better

Tips for Better Sleep

Every time I pass someone pushing a stroller with a peaceful little one, I am reminded of the old adage “sleep like a baby." If that could only continue as we get older. Luckily, there are tips for better sleep.

When I was running my ad agency, my motto used to be “three to four hours in any direction." It did not matter what time I went to sleep, I only slept for those scant few hours a night. I remember many times when I went into the office, showered and dressed by 4 a.m., and worked straight through until 7 p.m.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation, which is what I learned I was doing to myself, is very serious. It can cause not only high blood pressure, but can be the precursor to strokes or heart disease.

As a matter of fact, according to studies, if people with high blood pressure do not get enough sleep for even one night, their blood pressure could remain elevated throughout the entire next day.

So, what do you do if you are having trouble sleeping? We have tips for better sleep just for you.

How to Improve Your Sleep

Make Sleep a Priority

Treat sleep the same way you treat getting ahead in Your career.

Make it a priority, because it is just as important. Try to get somewhere between seven to nine hours of sleep per night and make it continuous.

As the time for you to retire approaches, turn off your work mind and turn on your relaxed mind. Do whatever you need to do to put work items, household chores, even that good book or magazine you have wanted to finish away.

Discover New Daytime Habits

Exercising on a regular basis is one of the best tips for better sleep. It can reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It can also can elevate your mood and lead to a better night’s sleep. Take a walk while the sun is out or try getting a light therapy box.

Research has shown that the amount of exposure to sunlight has a direct correlation on the body’s regulation of melatonin, along with your wake-sleep cycles.

Create a Routine

With very few exceptions, I now go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. It was not easy getting into this habit, but if I can do it, you can too!

I started going to bed 15 minutes earlier than I usually did, and every week I added another 15 minutes earlier until I got to where I wanted to be. Now I wake up without an alarm clock since my body is used to waking up at the same time, even on weekends.

The benefit? I feel a lot better now compared to when I was getting three to four hours a sleep a night, and I rarely feel the need to take a nap during the day.

Discover New Bedtime Habits

There are certain things you can do to relax and wind down: play calming music or take a nice, warm bath and light an aromatherapy candle.

You can even try yoga. There are many resources online that can show you different poses designed to help you fall and stay asleep.

Block out Noise

If your partner snores and keeps you from falling or staying asleep, there are remedies that do not include murder and mayhem.

Earplugs and white noise machines can help drown out the sound of your partner’s snores, but there are also options to help the source of the problem. There are many herbal remedies claiming to help snoring, so give them a shot!

It could also be that your partner has sleep apnea and requires a CPAP machine, so if snoring persists ensure they talk to their doctor.

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Get Rid of Stress

Stress is one of the main factors keeping people awake at night. You close your eyes and worrisome thoughts, as much as your try, keep whirling around in your head.

I started writing everything I needed to do during the day on a small lined pad. I get great satisfaction out of crossing off what I accomplished (I start with the most important and go from there).

If there is more on the list at the end of the day, I simply add it to the next day’s list. By doing that, I have found a lot of weight is off my shoulders, I know exactly what needs to be done, and I leave time for unexpected items.

I also find aromatherapy helps me when I am stressing. I spray a combination of eucalyptus and spearmint essential oils on my pillow to help ease my stress.

Avoid Going to Bed Hungry or Stuffed

If you are hungry, yo will want to get up and have a snack. This is definitely not a good idea. If you are stuffed, you will feel bloated and uncomfortable.

This goes for drinking too, even if it is water. Having too much liquid in your system shortly before going to bed will definitely wake you up during the night.

Make Your Bedroom Your Sanctuary

Make it so comfortable it is almost sinful not to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep soundly.

I tested all types of mattresses, pillows, comforters and sheets until I found the right combination for me. I also keep the house cool at night, since I find it easier to sleep when I am snuggled under the covers.

I also experimented with bedroom colors until I found the ones that work for me. The walls are a very misty blue, almost the color of clouds, and everything else is white. Whenever I walk in the bedroom, a feeling of peace comes over me.

Only Use Your Bed for Sleep

I saved the best for last! There is no better relaxation than engaging in physical intimacy with someone you love. Snuggling, back massages and (my personal favorite) back scratching definitely all lead to a very good night’s sleep!