A blue graphic of a person's head with yellow puzzle pieces in it.

10 Tips to Keep Your Mind and Memory Sharp

How to Improve Your Memory

This article will look at ways you can improve your memory. One thing you can take is Cortexi, a supplement that helps strengthen your memory and sharpen your mental acuity.

Worst Drinks for Memory Loss

  • Excessive Alcohol: Chronic heavy drinking can lead to memory problems and cognitive decline.
  • Sugary Beverages: High sugar intake is associated with cognitive impairment and may contribute to memory issues.
  • Energy Drinks: These often contain high levels of caffeine and sugar, which can negatively affect memory and concentration.
  • High-Caffeine Beverages: Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to sleep disturbances, which in turn can impact memory.
  • Fruit Juices with Added Sugar: Fruit juices with added sugars can cause blood sugar spikes and crashes, affecting cognitive function.
  • Soda: Soda is high in sugar and has been linked to cognitive decline when consumed regularly.
  • Excessively Caffeinated Alcoholic Drinks: Beverages that combine alcohol and high caffeine levels can impair judgment and memory.
  • Diet Soda: Some studies suggest a link between artificial sweeteners in diet soda and cognitive issues, although more research is needed.

Tips to Improve Your Memory

1. Exercise

Nowadays, life has us sitting a lot more than in prior times, with many people having office-based jobs and using a car to get from point A to point b. Unless you have a job where you are physically active, you have most likely spent the majority of your life sitting down, so it is absolutely vital to make a conscious effort to keep moving. When we get older, it gets even more difficult to stay active, so it is a good idea to go for daily walks and even consider starting a light fitness activity, such as dancing or yoga.

2. Proper Diet

If you have never put much effort into choosing healthier food options, then it is never too late to start. If you are experiencing memory loss later in life, then you can naturally improve your memory by changing your diet to include plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Low-fat proteins, such as fish, skinless poultry and beans, are also recommended. Avoiding substances, like sugar and alcohol, can also make a huge difference in improving your memory.

3. Healthy Sleeping Habits

Getting enough sleep is extremely important to prevent memory loss. Experts say that an adult needs at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night to improve general health. If you are not getting enough sleep, then it may lead to memory loss, as studies have shown that people who get the required amount of sleep fare substantially better the next day when writing tests. If you are struggling to sleep, then you can try various practical ways of getting into a healthy sleep routine. If you suffer from chronic insomnia, then you may want to speak to your doctor about getting medication to help you sleep.

4. Supplements

There are many chemical supplements on the market that can assist with improving memory loss, but natural supplements are always a better place to start. Anti-inflammatory foods, such as cocoa and berries, are high in antioxidants and a good dose of vitamin D, which can all promote memory health. More supplements that you can add to your diet are fish oil and curcumin, which are found in turmeric.

Neurodrine vs. CocoaVia

Neurodrine and CocoaVia are two popular supplements that offer different benefits for cognitive function and cardiovascular health. Neurodrine contains a blend of natural ingredients such as caffeine, L-theanine and ashwagandha that are known to improve focus, energy and mood. In contrast, CocoaVia supplements contain cocoa flavanols, which have been scientifically proven to support cardiovascular health by promoting healthy blood flow and reducing oxidative stress. While both supplements offer unique benefits, the choice between the two ultimately depends on your specific health goals and concerns. If you're looking for a supplement to boost cognitive function and energy levels, Neurodrine may be a good choice, while CocoaVia may be a better option for those looking to support their cardiovascular health.

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5. Meditation

If meditating has never been a part of your life, then we recommend that you give it a try. Meditation is relaxing and soothing and has been said to reduce stress, and pain, lower blood pressure and improve memory. As you age, grey matter (material that contains neuron cells) in the brain declines, and meditation can increase grey matter.

6. Socialize

Elderly people often find themselves more alone than during their younger years. This is either by choice or because of circumstances. It is important to try and maintain some level of social interaction, as it can relieve stress and depression, which both contribute to memory loss. Try to spend time with friends and loved ones on a regular basis, especially if you live on your own.

7. Mental Exercise

We shouldn’t underestimate the power of mental exercise since it is equally as important as physical exercise – for your body and your brain. Doing activities, such as crossword puzzles, playing bridge or chess, can all have a positive impact on your memory health. With cell phones being almost attached to our hands these days, there are many great apps that you can use to strengthen your memory.

8. Reduce Stress

Stress is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to our general health, and it also has a negative effect on our memory health. Chronic stress can destroy the hippocampus, which is the part of your brain that forms new memories and recalls old ones. You can manage your stress better by setting reasonable expectations (like saying no sometimes), taking breaks throughout the day and expressing your feelings instead of bottling them up.

9. Get Organized

Having a routine is not only good for babies but for all human beings, and it can dramatically improve your general well-being and memory health. Routine creates structure and a sense of safety, which eliminates stress or fear. Doing certain things in repetition can enhance your memory.

10. Keep Learning

As the saying goes: “you’re never too old to learn." This is not only true but can also have a positive effect on memory health. Learning a new skill will keep your mind active and healthy, and it will bring some excitement to your life. Some skills you may want to explore are learning to play a musical instrument, baking or knitting, taking an art class or learning how to make things out of wood.

In Conclusion

Memory loss is common once you reach the age of 65. In some cases, it can be caused by a genetic factor or condition, such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Other times, memory loss can stem from poor lifestyle choices, such as eating unhealthy foods or not getting enough exercise. Inadequate lifestyle habits can lead to all sorts of problems as we get older, but thankfully there are many practical things you can do to prevent and even put a stop to memory loss. Many of these methods don’t include taking medication, and they are not expensive or time-consuming.